Give a Book as a Gift

28 Jun 2021

The love of learning

 1. Umar and Nuraina are very hardworking and diligent. For them school is like a second home. They would never miss school—not for anything. Umar was absent for only one day on account of running a high fever and so Nuraina had to take the day off too. Nuraina had a fever for two consecutive days and her mother told her to skip school against her will, but Umar insisted on going to school.

2. On the third day Nuraina had not fully recovered but she woke up very early for school. Her mother thought that it wasn’t a good idea but Nuraina had made up her mind and that’s that. It was a Friday and she told her mother she would miss the spelling quiz if she were to skip school.

3. Both Umar and Nuraina fared quite well in their lessons. Except for a few careless mistakes, Umar did well in his Malay and English spelling quizzes. He caught up very fast in reading and counting despite the fact that it was his first time in kindergarten. Nuraina made only one mistake in all of her spelling quizzes. She joined the kindergarten with her brother, following his liking for books, writing, drawing and numbers. Thus she gradually acquired those skills as well.

4. My daughter used to share with me pictures and occasionally videos of the siblings that she took before sending them off to school or when they’d reached the premise. They were pictures of happiness and enthusiasm. Their mother gave them guidance and encouragement with their schoolwork at home. So they never left their homework undone.

Pictures of happiness
5. When the spread of COVID-19 began to seriously affect the life of the public at large school was disrupted at times due to the lockdown or MCO sometimes for weeks. When they had to stay away from school for too long they’d complain to their mother that they missed school so much.

6. But they were not made idle albeit staying at home for they were expected to do exercises in their workbooks regularly. The workbooks were then returned to teachers for marking and the routine went on. During the recent CMCO imposed on the state, the siblings followed their lessons conducted by teachers on Facebook. They never missed their lessons and did all their homework after every lesson.

7. My daughter and son-in-law took heart because the school did not call off the year-end celebration albeit without parents’ participation. Both Umar and Nuraina received prizes for their ceaseless effort in their schoolwork and quizzes.

8. They won trophies at the year-end celebration. Umar won a trophy for fast learner, a champion trophy for English quiz and the first runner up trophy for Malay quiz. As expected, Nuraina won the best speller trophy as well as trophies for consolation prizes in English and Malay quizzes.

9. We were very happy for them. They deserved the sweet smell of success for their determination and hard work. I suppose they’ve put their best foot forward and by and by they’d cherish the love of learning.


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